Immigration Information

EE Fast Track Latest 10/4 Lucky Draw Results

【EE快速通道最新 10/4 抽籤結果出爐

Immigration Canada (IRCC) has conducted the first round of draw for EE system in April this year! However, the score for this draw is still as high as over 500 points, which is even higher than the score for the last draw. From the current situation, there are still a large number of high scoring applicants in the applicant pool ......



If you don't want to rely on the lottery and want to be more in control of the whole immigration process, you can consider other immigration programmes, such as the Class A Study Abroad Immigration, which allows you to catch the last train to school and apply for permanent residency after graduation; and the SUV Entrepreneurship Immigration Programme, which is popular among Hong Kong people and helps applicants to obtain permanent residency first, and then decide on their own when they want to move to Canada and when they want to leave Hong Kong. If you would like to know more about the Canadian immigration programme, please feel free to contact us!